Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Waking up in London

I figured I would take time to actually write a blog for you all instead of posting ridiculous pictures of myself. I'm well into the second week of living in London, and the anxiety of living in a different country is starting to subside. I've seen some amazing places, and I'm keeping all my ticket stubs, brochures, and reciepts and taping them in my notebook. I'm quite the scrapbooker for someone who hates to scrapbook.

Being an english student in London has indeed added great depth to the meaning of what I'm studying. It hit me one day in class: this stuff that I'm learning about right now happened right here. There is such a great disconnect that happens when you study British literature in the U.S.; which, I feel, is one of the reasons I've never liked British literature. But being emursed in it here has been amazing. This isn't to say that all of a sudden I'm a British literature super star, I still visit sparknotes to figure out what the hell I just read, but a text has a lot more meaning when I read it then get to visit the sight where the story takes place or where the author is burried.

Besides keeping up with my studies, I'm taking advantage of the being abraod part. I dont feel like a tourist anymore. In fact, I look so integrated that "foriegners" have began stopping me in the streets to ask for directions. The best part it that I can usually help them.

1 comment:

scrambled brains said...

Yay Ashley! That's so cool that you appear to be a native--you should fake an accent or something.